19 thoughts on “Life in a Computer

  1. @Negar: uhum… maybe… well after all… they are computers… what can u expect…? :fancy_tb: but maybe they really have souls of their own… and it’s just us that can’t see and feel and sense them… who knows… :unsure_tb:

  2. با سلام

    شما برای تست سایت تخصصی عکاسی (نیکاس)دعوت شده اید
    امیدواریم از همیاری شما بهره مند شویم
    برای مشارکت به آدرس زیر بروید


    با تشکر قبلی

  3. @M.Khoda: well… I visited this newly built site and Liked it… but almost all sections of it were still under construction… just tell me how can I be of any help… 🙂 I’d be glad to give a hand if u think I can… keep in touch…

  4. @-1q5yChØt!c-: heheee… 😀 tanx… yeah presentation of some macro work is interesting… but I somehow couldn’t understand what u mean by colors being digitally dead… :ponder_tb: :tongue1_tb: explain a little bit please… so that I can benefit from ur suggestions and enhance my work… :book_tb:

  5. @Mohamadreza Aghajani: Tanx Mohamadreza… it’s so much admiring for me to get ur support and positive opinion about my work… I just got to know ur site through ur kind comment today… and I yet have to discover it thoroughly… u have a great collection of masterpiece works in ur site… 🙂

  6. @JM@.somedaysomewhere.net: C’est tres gentil a vous, Je vous remercie de tout coeur… 🙂 Merci de votre visite…



    kindly correct my mistakes please, Ok…? I’ve just started to learn French… it’s only been 1 2 3 4 5… :ponder_tb: I think it’s only been 5 sessions or 6 sessions till now… 🙂 but of course I can express myself much better in English… 🙂

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